What to Expect


I negotiate consent in an ongoing way I do not take it for granted. I welcome people from the LGBTQI+, BAME and disabled communities. I will make adaptations to welcome disabled people where I can. I respect all limits. I have a calm, ordered approach to my work and a professional manner. I do not need to speak loudly or act the part to make my meaning clear and to assert myself.

I will welcome you to the dungeon and invite you to sit down for a brief chat before we play, to establish communication, and to see that you are fit to play that day. I will offer you a glass of water and I will check if there are any new health issues or limitations I should be aware of. I will answer any questions you may have, and give you a tour if you are new.

First sessions are about meeting, establishing a connection and enjoying ourselves, I do not engage in high risk play in early sessions, communication and trust must be established.

I only session in clean well maintained spaces. I use medical grade cleaning materials, and of course I use condoms and gloves. A hot shower, toiletries and a fresh towel are always available after we play.

If we partake in a session of a more extreme nature you will be given a safe word or signal. This is very rarely necessary as I am excellent at reading people, and I will know you’re struggling long before you would need to use it. We will communicate throughout your session.